The Sun Is Love


There’s a story behind every ‘object and subject’ of love. Everything about the sun is beautiful; Its rising brings a promise, a message of hope, and a reminder that God has spared your life to witness yet another day, it says it’s not too late to try again. Its (the sun’s) setting says you tried your best and it was enough or you tried your best during the day but God’s plan overruled yours –  which is very okay – and so your best wasn’t enough, it reminds us that there is beauty even when the day is darkening because just looking at a sunset can bring so much peace to the heart. And when the sun sets, there’s always a promise of it rising up again – as long as there is life and God wills it, we will witness many sunrises after dark nights. The sun is love, you only need to put the two side by side to see how identical they are. Now smile 🙂

Maryam Ado

About Maryam Ado

An amateur writer that writes about everything that flows from her heart down to the tips of her fingers. Anything. Everything. Something.
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